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Writer's pictureDebra Trappen

September New Moon 2024

A Time for Grounding, Intention Setting, and Practical Magic

Our September New Moon invites us to reflect on our goals, prioritize self-care, and create routines that support our growth. This Moon's energy is all about organizing, purifying, and aligning with the natural rhythms of life, making it a powerful time to focus on practical steps that bring us closer to our highest intentions.

New Moons represent new beginnings—a fresh cycle where we can set intentions and plant the seeds for what we want to manifest. This month's New Moon encourages us to get clear on what we need to improve, heal, or refine in our lives. It's a perfect moment to realign with our purpose and make small, intentional changes that lead to significant growth.

New Moon Ritual

These steps help you focus on grounding, clarity, and creating intentional routines that support your well-being.

1. Cleanse Your Space: Begin by cleansing your space with ethically sourced sage, palo santo, or your favorite cleansing tool. I love to clap up the energy in the corners of each room to help clear out any stagnant energy... and then open the windows to let fresh air flow through.

2. Renergize Your Sacred Space: It's time to update your sacred space with elements representing the energy you seek to harness this cycle. I plan to gather earthy crystals, herbs, and symbols of health and well-being. Be sure to include your journal and a pen for intention-setting and idea-collecting.

3. Ground Yourself: Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths, feeling your body connected to the earth. Visualize roots extending from your feet into the ground, anchoring you in stability and strength.

4. Set Your Intentions: Write your intentions for this New Moon in your journal. Focus on practical, realistic goals that will help you improve your daily life. This month's energy is all about refining and perfecting, so consider the areas where you can make minor, meaningful adjustments.

5. Light a Candle: Light a green or white candle to symbolize new beginnings and growth. As the candle burns, visualize your intentions taking root and growing strong like the earth's plants and trees.

6. Close the Ritual: Express gratitude to the energies of the New Moon for guiding and supporting your journey. Blow out the candle, and keep your intention list somewhere special to revisit as the lunar cycle progresses.

Ideal Crystals to Gather

  1. Green Aventurine: This crystal is associated with growth, abundance, and health. It supports new beginnings and is perfect for grounding your intentions in practical action. I have a "worry stone" made of Green Aventurine that I plan to carry with me this month to remind me of my intentions!

  2. Amazonite: Known for its calming energy, Amazonite helps balance emotions and supports clear communication, making it an ideal companion for Virgo's meticulous and thoughtful energy.

  3. Moss Agate: Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings and grounding. Its earthy energy helps you stay connected to nature and promotes stability, making it perfect for working with Virgo’s grounded, practical vibes.

  4. Citrine: Citrine is a crystal of manifestation and abundance, encouraging you to take action on your intentions and attract positive outcomes.

Spiritual Tools to Support Your Practice

  • Herbal Tea: Create a ritual around sipping herbal tea with Virgo-aligned herbs like chamomile, lavender, or peppermint. This simple act can help calm your mind and body while aligning you with the nurturing energy of this New Moon. Two of my favorite Intentionaliteas blends - Peace and Summer - have these notes. Visit their site and use the code "New Moon" - a blessing from the Founder, Molly McKinley.

  • Journaling: Tap into this cycle's analytical energy, perfect for writing your thoughts, plans, and reflections. Having your journal nearby will support capturing any insights during this New Moon.

  • Essential Oils: Use essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, or rosemary to create a calming and grounding atmosphere. Diffuse them in your space, add them to a bath, or anoint yourself with them during your ritual.

  • Walk a Labyrinth or Create a Spiral of Rocks: Both labyrinths and spirals represent a journey inward. As you walk (or create) the path, you engage in a meditative process that encourages self-reflection, personal growth, and insight.

This Month's Mantras

"I align with the natural rhythms of life, creating space for healing, growth, and balance."

"I honor the small, meaningful steps that lead to transformation and allow my intentions to unfold in divine timing."

Journal Prompts for Deeper Reflection

  1. What areas of my life need more organization or structure to support my well-being?

  2. How can I bring more mindfulness and intention into my daily routines?

  3. What seeds of intention am I ready to plant that align with my long-term vision?

  4. How can I create more harmony between my work, relationships, and self-care?

  5. How can I cleanse areas of my life that feel stagnant?

  6. What new habits or rituals can I begin to support my mind, body, and spirit?

Beloved, this New Moon calls us to slow down, reconnect with ourselves, and focus on the details that truly matter. It’s a time for grounding, rooting, healing, and aligning with the natural rhythms of life. Let this lunar phase guide you in setting practical, meaningful intentions that align with your highest good. Step into your power by creating order around you and establishing routines that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

Wrapping You in Love + Light,

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